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Sponsoring Workers - Migration Solutions for Small and Medium Businesses

Our business migration services are designed to support small and medium businesses in sponsoring workers from overseas.

We ensure work visas are granted quickly and without hassle, thus saving you a substantial amount of time and money.


Sponsoring workers from overseas in Australia - work visa solutions

There are various different ways for businesses to employ and bring overseas workers to Australia.

These include the:

  • subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa;
  • Skills in Demand visa (SID), subclass 482;
  • subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa.


Sponsoring your workers on a business sponsorship

Take a look at more detailed information about how to sponsor employees:

  1. Short term: Businesses can bring skilled workers to Australia for short term projects by using the subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa. This is a good short term option (usually granted for up to 3 months but it is possible to obtain a grant for up to 6) for specialised work. The processing time is relatively fast and costs are much cheaper than other options.
  1. Medium – long term: Skilled workers can be brought to Australia for medium to long term projects by using the Skills in Demand visa (Subclass 482). This is a good medium term option (the visa can be granted for up to 4 years depending on the occupation that is being nominated). The nominated occupation needs to be on the CSOL List. A minimum salary per annum applies.  In addition the worker needs to be paid market salary rate (i.e. no undercutting of the local labour market).  The Skills in Demand visa (Subclass 482) is also a pathway to permanent residency for the worker.
  1. Permanent: Skilled workers can be provided with permanent residency using the subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa, even if they have never worked in Australia before (Direct Entry Stream). These are permanent residency visas.  There is no requirement for the worker to have previously worked in Australia.  The requirements are on the whole quite similar to the Skills in Demand visa (Subclass 482).  However, because this is a permanent visa, a formal skills assessment is often required. For detailed information please go tot the Skilled Migration Program

We regularly assist many overseas and domestic businesses to bring skilled workers to Australia, many of whom in fact opt to use all three of the above options.  Please contact us for further information.

Read in detail about becoming a Business Sponsor and how to obtain a Business Sponsorship to nominate your workers:

Business Sponsorship

Skills in Demand visa (SID)


Webinar on sponsoring workers

Watch our webinar which was held in conjunction with our headquarters and the NSW Chamber of Commerce:


If you are an investor or if you plan to set up a business in Australia you may consider your opportunities under the Business Migration scheme:

Business visas for Investors

Contact our migration agents to get started today:

Migration Agent Melbourne


Seminars & Conferences
TicketsLos Angeles (California)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

08. February 2025

TicketsMunich (Germany)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

01. March 2025

TicketsDubai (UAE)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

22. February 2025

Free Online Visa Assessment

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Business Solutions

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For 10 years running our conferences aimed at skilled professionals and business and investor migrants with an interest in living, working or investing in Australia have been recognized by the Victorian Government as strengthening the ties between the countries.

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